6 Easy-to-Fix Spelling and Grammar Mistakes that Could Cost You a Job

In the business world, bad spelling and grammar can actually ruin your career.  A misspelling or a grammatical error in your resume or correspondence can be enough to have a hiring manager or recruiter move on to the next candidate. Certainly, not everyone cares about spelling and grammar, but the ones who do? They really […]

A Recruiter Gives Your Resume 6 Seconds. Here’s What Happens.

The first glance at your resume could be just six seconds... how would your resume do?

Surveys show that recruiters spend about six seconds on their first look at a resume. Six seconds. That sounds about right to me. I have decades of experience reviewing resumes for a living and I developed a finely tuned superpower for scanning a resume quickly to find the key information I need so I can […]

Resume Tips: Nine Qualities of the Perfect Resume

There is no one right way to make the perfect resume, but follow these resume tips and you'll get pretty darned close.

If you’re like most people, you really have no idea how to write a resume for a job, and therefore no idea if your resume is cutting it. Am I right? Well, I have some bad news: your resume probably sucks and it’s probably working against you. How do I know? Because in my years […]