Why Your Resume Didn’t Make The Cut

In my years as an executive recruiter for startups, I reviewed dozens and sometimes even hundreds of resumes every week. And all but a handful ended up in the virtual trash can. My job was to select the top few candidates to talk to, which meant constantly rejecting people — or perhaps more accurately, rejecting […]

A Self-Confessed Resume Freak’s Thoughts about Bad Resumes from Good People

I admit that I’m a resume freak. Resumes are one of my passions. I think that a great resume is one of the biggest and best weapons in your job search. And I’ve seen a lot of them. A whole lot of them. As an executive recruiter, I’d say that I read about a hundred […]

A Look in the Mirror Brings Big Rewards

I haven’t formally launched my book yet, because there are still a lot of details to sort out with online sales and systems, but I’ve already sold a bunch of copies just to friends who’ve been watching for it, just through word of mouth. I confess that I waited anxiously for feedback from people to […]