Personal Coaching and Advice is Back!

I give in! For all of you who’ve been asking for personal coaching and advice about your job search… I can now say yes! I’ve carved time out in my schedule to do one-on-one personal coaching again. Just you and me, on the phone, having a focused and meaningful conversation about your most pressing job-search challenge.

One-on-one has always been the thing I love most, but for the past couple of years, I’ve been concentrating on executive search, and putting my coaching exercises and secrets into my downloadable book “Be Yourself & Get the Job (and Life) of Your Dreams!” so haven’t had much time for personal coaching or advice.

Well, the book is done (and you can check it out at, my website is new and improved, and now I’m ready to get back to that personal touch.

Working on the phone and by appointment only, I’ve set it up so you can book as little as 30 minutes (perfect for figuring out how to best handle that sensitive spot in your background, or to do a quick resume review), or an hour (for more in-depth questions and strategizing your next move)… and if you’re really intent on getting your search ramped up and on track, I’ve put together a complete package that gives you my book and four personal phone sessions. Full details about how it works will be up on my website soon, but for info now, send me an email at leslie at thejobsearchguru dot com.

And if you have a question you’d like me to address here in my blog, please send that along too!

Can’t wait to talk to you!!

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